TRHT Framework
The TRHT Framework consists of five interrelated areas that lead to transformational and sustainable systems change:
Critical to creating a collective understanding of the truth of a community's shared history and developing a plan for how to make the whole community aware of these truths.
Deepens relationships, particularly among those working in coalition together, to drive transformational change.
Transformation Areas:
Addresses components through which the belief system in a racial hierarchy is currently perpetuated and sustained.

Critical to transformation efforts as it influences policies, practices, and systems that impact racial equity.

Focuses on addressing economic disparities and promoting equity in economic opportunities within the community.
Narrative Change and Racial Healing form the foundation for eliminating the belief in a hierarchy of human value and are intended to be implemented throughout the course of all TRHT work. These areas help to inform and build the capacity of local coalitions to drive change in the transformation areas of Separation, Law, and Economy.